Patrick Gallagher

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5 Ways to Reduce Complexity in Your Transportation System
Topics: school bus tracking, transportation system, data, student tracking, phone calls, bus routes, school bus routes, school bus, school bus driver
SafeStop Identifies Four Trends at the Midway Point of 2016-2017 School Year
School Bus Tracking App Launching Robust Analytics Platform That Identifies Savings Opportunities for Schools
Charleston, SC (January 31, 2017) – SafeStop, the industry’s leading school bus tracking app, enjoyed a strong start to the 2016-2017 school year with its geographic expansion, increased subscriber rates, and added features. The number of customers using the service has more than doubled year over year since inception. And as growth continues, the company has used its SafeStop Analytics platform to identify four major trends since the school year commenced.
Topics: SafeStop Insider, Bus Safety, Press Releases
How Can School Districts Save Money with GPS Bus Trackers?
These days, global positioning system (GPS) technology is seamlessly integrated into smartphones. While paper maps are nice, it’s easier to check your phone for directions, not to mention more perks like viewing your time of arrival and getting notified of traffic delays along your route. Unsurprisingly, school districts are taking advantage of this technology for very similar reasons: convenience and extra benefits.
Topics: School Buses, Education Technology, Schools, GPS
Schools Near Me with the SafeStop School Bus Tracker
If you’re a mom or dad with school-aged kids, chances are you’ve heard of bus tracker apps. In case you didn’t get the memo, here’s a quick summary: Bus trackers, like SafeStop, are smartphone applications that enable parents and caregivers to track their child’s school bus in real-time.
Topics: SafeStop Insider, Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, California, New York, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Canada, Maine, Oregon, Texas
A Bus Tracker is a Better Solution than a Cell Phone
As a parent, it is important to know your child's whereabouts. In today's society, many moms, dads and other caregivers rely on cell phone technology to track their kids' whereabouts. But have you ever used a school bus tracking app like SafeStop to track your child's school bus? While it is true that you can text, call and even monitor your child's location using a smartphone, this is not the most reliable and efficient method when your child is riding the bus to school.
Some parents view bus tracker apps as redundant — why use an app when you can text or call your child? First, cell phone signals aren't always reliable. Additionally, what if your child forgets their cell phone, has it stolen by a bully or forgets to charge it the night before? And how does texting, calling, or tracking your child’s cell phone prevent you from missing the school bus in the morning?
Topics: SafeStop Insider, School Buses, Bus Tracking App
SafeStop Enjoys Strong Start to 2016-2017 School Year
Market Expansion, New Features, and 100% Customer Retention Boost App's Demand
CHARLESTON, S.C., Sept. 29, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SafeStop, the industry's leading school bus tracking app, has enjoyed a robust start to the 2016-2017 school year with significant geographic expansion, continued strong subscriber rates, and new features including a streamlined user interface.
Topics: Press Releases
Silicon Harbor Radio TechTalk Podcast with Rich Conte and Keith Engelbert
Can you share a little about the SafeStop mobile app?
Our app, SafeStop, solves the mystery for the parents whose children we transport every day. “What bus is my child on?” “Where is the stop located?” And most importantly, “What time is the bus going to arrive?” And parents want to know all of this in real-time. The app provides all this info plus timely push notifications to your mobile device for service-related issues that may arise while the bus is en route.
SafeStop is the fastest growing and industry-leading school bus tracking app and the new normal in the school transportation industry, connecting parents and school officials with the vehicles transporting their children. Giving unfiltered information directly to parents has always been perceived as a negative in our industry; there are many layers, it’s complicated, and this app cuts through all the communication bureaucracy involved in our industry. This is the disruptive!
Topics: SafeStop Insider
SafeStop Continues Rapid Growth Approaching 2016-2017 School Year
Parents and Schools Flocking to Connect with Original School Bus Tracking App
Charleston, SC (June 23, 2016) – SafeStopTM, the fastest growing and industry- leading school bus tracking app, recently completed its first full year of nationwide operations and is setting up for significant growth for the 2016-2017 school year.
“SafeStop is the new normal in the school transportation industry,” stated Patrick Gallagher, Director of Sales for SafeStop. “We initially created this app with parents in mind, but we very quickly found that this was also powerful for school districts. This is not just a service for parents to subscribe to. Our SafeStop Analytics platform is the ultimate tool for Transportation Directors everywhere. It’s easy to use and provides reliable data that can save money, see where transportation improvements can be made, and ultimately create a smoother running operation.”
Topics: Connecticut, Washington, Ohio, Hawaii, Press Releases
Tumbleweed Transportation Parents to Log On with SafeStop School Bus Tracking App This Fall
Los Angeles, CA (April 4, 2016) – SafeStop, the fastest growing and industry-leading school bus tracking app, announced today that Southern California-based Tumbleweed Transportation, which specializes in providing customized safe and reliable school transportation to numerous Los Angeles area private and public schools, has signed up to provide the SafeStop app to its customers.
“We welcome Tumbleweed and their 150 plus vehicle fleet into the SafeStop family and look forward to working with them,” stated Patrick Gallagher, Director of Sales for SafeStop. “They are one of Southern California’s leading school transportation providers and are really out front and leading the way in bringing school transportation into the 21st century. Tumbleweed will begin offering the app to schools and parents at the start of next school year as SafeStop expands coverage in Southern California and throughout the country. As more parents and school officials learn about the benefits of the app and how easy it is to use, they are demanding it be part of school bus operations going forward. Parents today want our app included as part of their transportation program. We created the app with today’s parents in mind to ease their concerns about knowing where the bus is and when it will arrive as well as for safety and security purposes. Schools and contractors, like Tumbleweed, need to make this available to all parents.”
Topics: California, Press Releases
SafeStop School Bus Tracking App Adding Four School Districts in Illinois
During the Winter Weather More Parents and School Officials Will Be Able to Securely Track School Vehicles In Real-time
Chicago, January 21, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –SafeStop, the original school bus tracking app, announced that four school districts in Illinois are launching the service. Parents and school officials in Lake Bluff Elementary School District 65, Lake Forest School District 67, Lake Forest Community High School District 115 and Deerfield School District 109 will now be able to safely and securely connect in real-time with their children’s school bus. The launch of these high profile Chicago area school districts, through a partnership with Olson Transportation, adds to the vehicles already utilizing the app in large public school systems and small private schools throughout the country, with more vehicles being added regularly.
“We are finding that as parents across North America learn more about SafeStop and the app’s features and benefits, they realize how it is a ‘must have’ app,” stated Patrick Gallagher, Director of Sales for SafeStop. “It allows parents to know where their child’s bus is and really provides them peace of mind while allowing for the convenience of not having to wait out in the cold too long as temperatures drop and the winter weather comes into play.”
Topics: Illinois, Press Releases