Homework: How Much is Too Much?

Posted by Patricia M on Mar 28, 2017 1:43:35 PM
Everyone agrees that students need homework. However, too much after school studying and homework can burn students out – and the last thing any teacher wants to face in the morning is a classroom full of zombies.
According to a poll conducted by the Associated Press and AOL , 57% of parents feel their children are receiving the right amount of homework, 23% feel their children receive too little homework, and 19% believe their children receive too much work. You may remember having little to no homework as a young child. However, it is now common for kindergartners and first graders to be given complicated take-home assignments. This is a problem because it is not just children who can become overly stressed. Too much homework can also cause friction between students and the parents who must help their kids do it. Additionally, precious family time can be cut into by heavy homework demands.
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Topics: Teachers, students, homework