How It Works: Infographic

Posted by Patricia M on May 10, 2018 10:25:04 AM

When people think about bus tracking software, it can be difficult to imagine exactly what happens as the app inputs and outputs data for parents, transportation departments, and school officials. SafeStop produced an easy-to-read infographic that gives a snapshot of how routing and GPS data from local transportation departments create a reliable vehicle tracking system for everyone involved.

On the local side, transportation staff in the school district maintain their routing and scheduling systems on a regular basis, which feeds data into SafeStop’s system to create tracking updates, in-depth fleet analytics, and customer service information. Each night, SafeStop imports updates about routes and bus stops — the “planned” data — and pairs it with GPS data from devices on-board the school buses — the “actual” data — to continually update the app. At the same time, the SafeStop Analytics platform uses an application programming interface, or API, to mine both sets of data to inform transportation staff about its school bus fleet, including speed, location, and expected arrival times at bus stops.

Potential hiccups occur when the planned data and actual data conflict, and pick-up/drop-off times may vary based on what school buses are actually doing on the road. If students aren’t at a stop for instance, a bus may arrive early at the next stops. If a bus is out-of-service for repairs, a replacement bus goes on the road in its place and information about the replacement vehicle must be sent to SafeStop for the app to be updated.

When the planned versus actual routes correlate and run smoothly, parents can be assured about the correct pick-up/drop-off times, transportation staff can have more accurate and helpful reports, and administrators can keep an eye on their customer service, school fleet efficiency, and transportation budget.

Every day, if local transportation staff can ensure that buses are assigned to their correct routes, SafeStop is able to offer tracking capabilities on the parent-facing app, analytics on the administration backend, full customer service for parents and administrators alike, and report cards to show district leaders what to fix, where to look, and how to respond to improve school bus fleet operations.

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Topics: School Buses, Bus Tracking App, GPS, students, parents, school bus tracking

BLOG SERIES: What to Know When Considering a Tracking App // PART 4: Troubleshooting

Posted by Patricia M on Apr 27, 2018 10:15:22 AM


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Topics: School Buses, Bus Tracking App, GPS, students, parents, school bus tracking

BLOG SERIES: What to Know When Considering a Tracking App // PART 3: How to Manage Parent Expectations

Posted by Patricia M on Apr 13, 2018 12:06:30 PM


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Topics: School Buses, Bus Tracking App, GPS, students, parents, school bus tracking

BLOG SERIES: What to Know When Considering a Tracking App // PART 2: The Timeline You Can Expect

Posted by Patricia M on Mar 22, 2018 2:43:21 PM


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Topics: School Buses, Bus Tracking App, GPS, students, parents, school bus tracking

BLOG SERIES: What to Know When Considering a Tracking App // PART 1: Taking Stock Before Roll Out

Posted by Patricia M on Mar 9, 2018 12:32:49 PM


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Topics: School Buses, Bus Tracking App, GPS, students, parents, school bus tracking

The Importance of the School Crossing Guard

Posted by Patricia M on Jan 24, 2018 10:17:00 AM

School bus safety is an important topic, and one that finds itself in the headlines often – from onboard technology and student behavior to vehicle safety, driver training and beyond. But what about the students who walk to school, navigating busy roads just to get to their morning class? What measures are in place to help ensure they get to school safely and on-time?

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Topics: Safety, Schools, students, crossing guards, Child Safety

Volunteer Opportunities For Students

Posted by Patricia M on Apr 4, 2017 2:20:49 PM
Engaging children in service-oriented projects from a young age helps them realize that giving truly is receiving. Volunteering, especially with their peers, is a terrific way to have fun and learn at the same time. For students, volunteer opportunities are equally abundant and rewarding. Such opportunities can be organized by a parent-teacher organization ( PTO or PTA ), local community service groups, businesses, or the school itself.
There are countless ways for students to make a difference, whether it’s tutoring other students, helping in a healthcare setting, or working with a construction team like Habitat for Humanity .
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Topics: Schools, students

Homework: How Much is Too Much?

Posted by Patricia M on Mar 28, 2017 1:43:35 PM
Everyone agrees that students need homework. However, too much after school studying and homework can burn students out – and the last thing any teacher wants to face in the morning is a classroom full of zombies.
According to a poll conducted by the Associated Press and AOL , 57% of parents feel their children are receiving the right amount of homework, 23% feel their children receive too little homework, and 19% believe their children receive too much work. You may remember having little to no homework as a young child. However, it is now common for kindergartners and first graders to be given complicated take-home assignments. This is a problem because it is not just children who can become overly stressed. Too much homework can also cause friction between students and the parents who must help their kids do it. Additionally, precious family time can be cut into by heavy homework demands.
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Topics: Teachers, students, homework

Crossing Guard Safety for Bus Drivers

Posted by Lloyd Forbes on Mar 23, 2017 10:35:21 AM

Crossing guards are a vital part of your child’s commute

It’s easy to take crossing guards for granted, and sometimes we forget how important their job is.

With their fluorescent reflective vests and stop signs, crossing guards are instrumental in helping children get to and from school safely. If you are interested in hiring a crossing guard for an area near your school, contact your local police department or school board.

Schools, law enforcement, government planning departments, and community members may implement a crossing guard program as a group or separately.

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Topics: Safety, Schools, students, crossing guards

Why are There 180 School Days in a Traditional School Year?

Posted by Patricia M on Mar 9, 2017 10:36:16 AM
When you’re a kid, the only thing better than a snow day is summer vacation. It means freedom from classes, early mornings, and dreaded homework. It also means long, lazy, warm summer days with friends and family.
However, the 180-day school model has been questioned by those who wonder if having summers off from school might be detrimental to learning. After all, the amount of information children are required to absorb has substantially increased over the years. So, what are the pros and cons of year round vs. traditional school calendars?
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Topics: Schools, students