Smartphones, smart cars, smart refrigerators – much of our technology is smart, and getting smarter all the time. Even our classrooms are using smart technology. One of the most innovative ideas to come to the classroom is the Smart Board, an interactive whiteboard that can do everything your computer does. Simply connect your PC to an overhead digital projector and a giant touch screen computer, or Smart Board, is literally at your fingertips.
There are many benefits to having a Smart Board in the classroom:
First and foremost, Smart Boards are large enough for all students to see regardless of where their seat is in the class. We’ve all experienced sitting in the back of a classroom and struggling to see what’s on the board. But with Smart Board technology, the teacher can enlarge text and images as needed so everyone can easily see.
Here are some other advantages of Smart Boards:
Rapid results and analysis: By using an audience response system, students can participate in online class surveys, quizzes, or games that are projected directly onto the Smart Board. Because the entire class can see the answers, students can immediately begin analyzing results.
Going green: Schools across the country are going green and Smart Boards are helping by allowing teachers to ditch traditional paper handouts for electronic communication. This not only saves natural resources, but also time; teachers no longer need to stand at the copy machine hoping it doesn’t jam right before class begins.

Global access: Smart Boards can bring the world to your fingertips. By using webcam technology to stream live video, students can interact with classrooms on the other side of the planet, scholars in another state, or even with astronauts in space. A fun way to start is projecting Google Earth and letting students “fly” to their intended destination.
Creative fun: Get creative! New Bay Media’s Tech & Learning offers ten innovative activities for the Smart Board, such as an interactive flannel board for preschoolers. Included are click-and-drag games, graphic organizers, board games, and more.
Everyone benefits from Smart Boards