However, the 180-day school model has been questioned by those who wonder if having summers off from school might be detrimental to learning. After all, the amount of information children are required to absorb has substantially increased over the years. So, what are the pros and cons of year round vs. traditional school calendars?
History of 180-day school calendar
You can thank farmers for your summer vacations:
Too much strain: Additionally, in the early 20th century, people thought too much schooling was bad for children. Many believed that children couldn’t handle the mental and physical tribulations of year-round classes.
The current situation: Fast forward to 2017. We have state-of-the-art air-conditioning, and children are no longer needed as farm labor. Yet, the number of school days in a year has not increased in most U.S. schools. Some countries have year-round schooling, and even longer days.
The case for more school days
Extra days add up: At first glance, those extra days may not seem like much. However, over the course of 12 years, that additional learning time adds up.
The case against more school days
No one will argue against children getting the best possible education. But, is extending the school year truly in the best interests of our children?